Protected Ornamentals

17 February 2022

This factsheet provides guidelines on the cultural, biological and chemical options for leaf miner control in bedding and pot plant crops.

28 September 2021

This guide provides a summary to create a baiting kit to detect Phytophthora or Phythium species in irrigation water, and instruction on how to use a lateral flow device

17 February 2022

This factsheet provides information on disease symptoms, spread, fungicide efficacy and crop safety, and example spray programmes are provided for outdoor and protected crops.

17 February 2022

This factsheet describes the symptoms of Pythium, Phytophthora and Rhizoctonia diseases in bedding and pot plants, the biology of the causal organisms and a management strategy for disease control.

20 February 2023

This factsheet examines the use of chemical disinfectants in protected ornamental production to prevent the spread of plant diseases. It provides information on available products, their efficacy and important considerations affecting product choice. It also summarises legislation affecting their use and disposal.

7 October 2022

This factsheet describes the chemical and physical properties of irrigation water of relevance to ornamental plant production, including bedding plants, pot plants and hardy ornamentals. Water hardness, conductivity levels and a range of potential impurities and their effects are outlined and appropriate corrective measures summarised.

25 November 2021

This factsheet outlines how the repeated use of insecticides, fungicides and herbicides if not properly managed, can result in the development of resistant pest, pathogen and weed populations. It lists the known cases of resistance and advises how to prevent resistant strains developing.

9 December 2021

These translated practical guides from PCS, Belgium cover a wide range of topics including integrated plant management, lighting crops, cost price calculation and profitability, fertiliser use in ornamental crops etc.

16 November 2022

This factsheet summarises information on the biology of rose downy mildew and provides guidance on how to minimise reductions in quality by implementing good nursery hygiene, avoiding environmental conditions favourable for disease development and by the use of fungicides and nutritional products.

7 October 2022

This factsheet provides growers with practical guidance on how to achieve wet heat sterilisation of pots to permit their reuse.

9 June 2022

This factsheet deals with the safe and effective use of the various types of pesticide spray machinery under protection.

25 November 2021

This factsheet provides growers with information about the key pests, diseases, aquatic weeds and algae in the production of aquatic and pondside ornamental plants. It aids growers in the recognition of each organism and the damage they cause. It also provides guidance in control through cultural, biological and chemical means.
