Alternative energy and heat storage

Read this series of web pages to learn about different options for alternative energy production and heat storage, including a look at biomass combined heat and power (CHP), heat pumps and thermal storage.

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An introduction to biomass heating for horticulture

Read about the key factors to consider when installing a biomass boiler system, including the different types of fuel available, sizing the biomass boiler system and the flue gas emission standards. 

More on biomass heating for horticulture

Biomass combined heat and power (CHP)

These pages provide a detailed look at biomass CHP, including the different systems available and their pros and cons, and the implications of biomass CHP for CO2 enrichment in glasshouses. 

Go to: Biomass combined heat and power (CHP)

Heat pumps

Read about how heat pumps work and the different types of systems available and learn about the key factors for installation.

A detailed look at heat pumps and how they work 

Important characteristics of modern heat storage

Read about the key aspects to consider in the design and maintenance of an efficient modern heat storage system. 

Learn more about characteristics of modern heat storage

The basics of thermal storage for horticulture

Thermal storage is the means of storing thermal energy (heat or cooling) so it can be used sometime after it is generated. Find out why you should use thermal storage and what storage medium is best.

Information on thermal storage

Using heat networks in horticulture

Protected horticulture often requires a large heating capability. Read about how you can set up a heat network with different methods of energy production to meet this need.

Practicalities of setting up a heat network

How do you make a heat network?

Useful links

Visit our GrowSave pages to read more about energy-related topics

Access some of our resources about taking steps towards net zero in commercial horticultural production

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Nathalie Key

Research and Knowledge Exchange Manager

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