
8 June 2021

Learn which pest insects affect carrots and Apiaceous crops and find out how to manage them.

23 May 2018

Vine weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus) remains the number one pest of container-grown hardy nursery stock. This factsheet provides information on the biology and damage caused by vine weevil adults and larvae and explains the various strategies that can be adopted to control the pest.

7 October 2022

This factsheet provides information on two weevils which were identified as potential threats to the nursery stock industry, providing information on identification and control.

23 May 2022

This factsheet describes the symptoms and life cycle of strawberry powdery mildew and how it becomes established and spreads through crops grown under protection. It also provides guidance on management strategies to minimise the risk of damaging epidemics developing. 

23 September 2021

This factsheet offers best practice guidance on how to manage and control spotted wing drosophila (SWD) in soft and stone fruit crops.

7 June 2022

Free-living nematodes (FLN) are microscopic soil-borne organisms that can cause significant crop damage by feeding on plant roots, leading to reduced yields and quality. This factsheet offers recommendations to growers on how to manage FLN. 

28 September 2021

Recent advances have been made in the knowledge and management of downy mildews, white blisters and species of Phytophthora.

25 May 2022

Simple wall chart identification guide of common diseases in Brassica crops. The poster is designed to supplement the Brassica Crop Walkers' guide and is a useful simple reference that can be accessed quickly by all staff.

22 March 2022

Simple wall chart identification guide of common pests in Brassica crops including emerging and minor pests.

6 July 2022

Simple wall chart identification guide of typical nutrient deficiencies in Brassica crops.

21 June 2022

This factsheet provides guidelines on symptom recognition, and information on the biology and management of leaf and bud nematodes in hardy nursery stock.

23 September 2021

This wallchart helps growers to distinguish between plum fruit moth and other moth species on monitoring traps
