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7 October 2022
Densities of woodpigeons are highest in the eastern half of England, coinciding with the highest concentration of horticultural production. The woodpigeon is recognised as a major agricultural pest in the UK, this factsheet assess potential control mechanisms.
9 February 2023
Conductivity is a useful measurement of total salt content of a soilless substrate and provides growers with an indication of the strength of feed solution within a container grown crop. This factsheet explains what conductivity is and how best to measure and manage it.
23 September 2021
This factsheet summarises AHDB research into alternative chemical herbicides for use in rhubarb production.
10 June 2022
This factsheet describes the symptoms of downy mildew in rhubarb and how to manage its control
24 November 2022
Find information on the biology and symptoms of leaf scorch in narcissus.
9 December 2022
Here’s how to recognise leaf scorch disease in narcissus and understand how it spreads and develops.
24 November 2022
As the mainstay of disease prevention, it’s important to have a good understanding of fungicides and the programmes for using them to best effect for management of foliar diseases of narcissus..
24 November 2022
Find information on the symptoms of biology of smoulder of narcissus
24 November 2022
Find information on the symptoms of biology of white mould in narcissus
2 December 2022
Find information on various foliar disorders and fungal diseases of narcissus
24 November 2022
Foliar sprays of fungicides are the cornerstone for management of the main diseases of narcissus. Read this guide to an integrated approach to managing disease.
30 June 2022
This factsheet provides knowledge on the biology of pre- and post-harvest fruit rots of outdoor cucurbits (courgette, pumpkin, marrow and squash) caused by various pathogens and provides guidelines on disease management options