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Winter protection of soilless substrate grown strawberries
Learn about the risk of winter cold injury occurring in strawberries and the best forms of cold protection.
This information was last updated in 2011.
Action points
When considering whether a crop is at risk, be aware of the following factors that contribute to cold injury:
- Growing conditions before freezing
- Crown size, canopy development and, to a lesser extent, variety
- Freezing duration and temperature
- Exposure to wind
- Desiccation of the crown.
In cold, harsh winters, strawberry crops are at risk of cold injury, particularly those grown in soilless substrates in bags and containers.
Strawberry cold injury: Damage
Discover the factors that increase the risk of cold injury damage and whether the damage is critical.
Factors increasing risk of damage
Strawberry cold injury: Effect of weather
The words ‘frost’ and ‘freeze’ are frequently used, but they describe two different types of cold event. Read about the difference on this page.
Strawberry cold injury: Protection
Learn what practical protection options are available for you.
Useful links
Find more strawberry resources
Download the original factsheet version of this information
Original author
Robert Irving, ADAS