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Max. fat thickness on the outside of the muscle not to exceed 10mm.
For this product, the rump tail/tri-tip should be matured for a minimum of 14 days.
Tri-Tip Steaks – Thin Cut.
Max. fat thickness on the outside of the muscle not to exceed 10mm.
Remove excess fat and gristle.
The lines indicate the direction of the muscle grain.
Cut rump tail into 2 and remove thin ends as illustrated. Cut the muscle across the grain as the lines illustrate.
Cut into thin steaks, maximum thickness 5-7mm. (This is done easier on a gravity feed slicer).
Tri-Tip Steaks – Thin Cut.
If these steaks are to be used for sandwich steaks, stir-fry or fajitas, we recommend that all fat and gristle is removed.