The development of a training programme to improve the use of climate control computers by protected crop growers in the UK


This project identified and evaluated the requirements for a training programme to improve the use of climate control computer equipment in protected cropping facilities in the UK. The benefits of growers receiving such training relate to reduced energy costs and the potential to improve crop yield and quality by providing an optimised greenhouse environment.


The project also identified potential sources of financial support for the training. By taking up the recommendations of this report, and securing such funding, the training will be made available to growers in a cost-effective way.

Project code:
PC 183
01 October 2001 - 01 September 2002
Project leader:
Chris W. Plackett


PC 183 final report

About this project

he specific objectives of the project were:

  1. To survey growers and determine the current level of knowledge and expertise among UK growers relating to the use of climate control computer equipment.
  2. To survey growers and determine what equipment is currently in commercial use in the UK.
  3. To survey growers and determine what the education and training needs are for a broad cross section of UK growers.
  4. To determine where expertise is available (both in the UK and abroad) that can play a role in a training programme and determine what level of contribution candidate parties can make.
  5. To develop the components of a training & education programme which responds to the specific needs of UK growers.
  6. To determine a training delivery strategy that enables growers and their staff to access the information in an efficient manner.
  7. To determine how the programme can be cost effective for growers and establish if third party funding may be available to support the programme.

