SCEPTREplus trials

About the trials

All trials were carried out to ORETO standards. Once products had been tested for efficacy and crop safety, the results will be able to be used to support approvals and link in with the EAMU programme to generate new approvals.

Where appropriate, a model crop approach was taken to trials, with data extrapolated to other crops. This is to improved efficiencies and to made sure each crop sector had the most value from SCEPTREplus. 

SCEPTREplus worked closely with other research trials funded by AHDB and other industry research to ensure building on and sharing existing knowledge. This prevented duplication of research to maximise the value. The results from the biopescticide trials within AMBER and the extensive AHDB fruit research programmes were of particular value to SCEPTREplus. 

Pest control trials for SCEPTREplus

Weed control trials for SCEPTREplus

Disease control trials for SCEPTREplus
