“Premium” Fillet Steaks

Code: Fillet B003


A premium fillet steak, because only the centre of the fillet is eligible for this steak. All gristle, the chain, tail and head of the fillet are removed. All steaks have a minimum diameter of 60 mm.

Fillet B003
Fillet B003
Meat Cut Spec Step 1


Boneless untrimmed fillet primal.

Meat Cut Spec Step 2


Remove excess fat, gristle and connective tissue to expose underlying lean cut surface.

Meat Cut Spec Step 3


Remove the chain muscle.

Meat Cut Spec Step 4


Remove the tail and head so that the remaining steaks have a minimum diameter of 60mm.

Meat Cut Spec Step 5


Head and tail not to be used for “Premium” fillet steaks.

Meat Cut Spec Step 6


Cut the remaining part of the fillet across the grain and evenly at the thickness required.
