An investigation of the current status of tomato leaf mould on UK nurseries: occurrence, disease management and potential for improved control


Summary: In 2014 in PE 018 we identified tools for improved management of tomato leaf mould in both conventional and organic crops through identification of effective conventional fungicide and biofungicide treatments for use in crops, and of disinfectant treatments for use between crops. However, in 2015 tomato leaf mould was still a problem for UK growers, and this work aims to determine what control measures are currently used, how effective they appear, and the degree of uptake of PE 018’s recommendations. It is possible that the continuing occurrence of leaf mould is due to poor use of current products available, insufficient awareness of disease biology, fungicide resistance or possibly the presence of new strains of the pathogen able to overcome varietal resistance. With a combination of fungicide sensitivity tests and an evaluation of current control measures, a best practice guide will be developed to effectively target control efforts. 

Project code:
PE 030
01 April 2016 - 31 March 2017
AHDB Horticulture
AHDB sector cost:
£19, 842
Project leader:


PE 030_Report_Final_2017 PE 030_GS_Final_2017

About this project

Project Aims and Objectives: 

To document disease management practices currently used against tomato leaf mould (Passalora fulva) on UK nurseries, determine occurrence of fungicide resistant strains and, based on pathogen biology, and PE 018, propose changes to improve control
Project objective(s):
• Survey and visit nurseries to establish the prevalence of tomato leaf mould infection in the UK, and document treatments and practices currently used to manage the disease
• To collect isolates of P. fulva from affected crops and determine their sensitivity to current standard fungicides and potentially useful new products
• To establish a best practice guide for control of leaf mould in crops based on previous research, grower experience and the results of investigations and tests conducted in this project