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- Fight Against Blight: projects monitoring late blight genotypes in potato crops
Fight Against Blight: projects monitoring late blight genotypes in potato crops
Fight Against Blight (FAB) began in 2004. Agronomists and growers (Blight Scouts) submitted field collected samples of suspected late blight outbreaks. The distribution of the outbreaks was mapped and the samples tested to provide more information about the Phytophthora infestans populations in GB. During the early work, the late blight mating type was determined. This was discontinued in later studies (2012 onwards) when the focus shifted to the assessment of pathogen genetic diversity using microsatellite genotyping techniques.
The analysis of the samples was carried out through a series of research projects. In some projects, more detailed studies of the characterstics of the late blight genotypes were carried out (e.g., pathogen aggressiveness or fungicide sensitivity testing). The projects are summarised below and the final reports are provided at the bottom of the page. A cost-benefit analysis for the FAB projects (up to 2012) is also provided.
807/241 (2004-2005) Sexual reproduction in the late-blight pathogen, Phytophthora infestans; its role in aggravating the late-blight problem in GB- mating type, virulence, pathogenicity, sensitivity to metalaxyl
R274 (2006 -2008) Survey of GB blight populations
- genetic diversity of the pathogen
- likelihood and risks of oospore formation
- aggressiveness of the 13_A2 genotype
R423 (2009-2011) Fight Against Blight: monitoring Phytophthora infestans populations in GB
- frequency of mating types and genetic diversity of the pathogen
- aggressiveness of 11 genotypes (including 13_A2, 6_A1) assessed
- response of the pathogen to temperature and relative humidity. The results provided evidence of the need to review the Smith Period criteria
- relative spread of genotypes in an inoculated field trial
- comparative ability of genotypes to infect and survive on potato tubers
11120012 (2014-2018) Fight Against Blight: monitoring Phytophthora infestans populations in GB
- genetic diversity of the pathogen
- in 2016 & 2017 tuber blight samples were also genotyped
11120047 (2018) Late blight fungicide sensitivity testing
- late blight isolates from 2017 and 2018 were tested
11120134 (2019-2021) Fight Against Blight: monitoring Phytophthora infestans populations in GB
- genetic diversity of the pathogen and fungicide sensitivity testing
FAB Final Report 2019-21 FightAgainstBlight2021Presentation 11120034_Report_2019_2020 11120047 Final Report_2018 11120012_Report_2014_2018 R243_Final Report_2012 R274 Final Report_2009 Final Report_2006 Final Report_2005 Cost Benefit Analysis CB08-LateBlightRelated research projects
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