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Cut Flower Centre
About Cut Flower Centre
- Aim: to address industry needs via a work programme demonstrating new product opportunities, best practice and practical solutions to problems encountered on nurseries
- Work programme undertaken at Rookery Farm, Spalding and a number of other commercial cut flower production sites
- Robust programme of events, workshops, study tours and other outputs
- Agile structure to respond to industry needs
- Project management group consists of growers, packers and retailers
The Cut Flower Centre was set up to become the primary site for cut flower research and demonstration in the UK with trials ending in 2023.
Its aim was to identify and evaluate new potential seasonal cut flower species for the UK market and provide technical and cultural information relating to production as identified by the project management group.
The longer-term aim was to technically support and facilitate networking among UK cut flower growers.
Some outputs so far include:
- New product development trials of a range of potential annual and perennial plant species
- Weed control in peony
- Potential of seed priming for cut flower species
- Management of Fusarium in column stocks
- Alternative growing media in cut lily production
- Funder of the #loveBritishtulips project
Lyndon Mason was contracted to run the Centre for AHDB.
The reports and technical notes summarising the outcomes of the Cut Flower Centre can be found from the Cut Flower resources index.

Lyndon Mason
Lyndon Mason has worked in the cut flower industry for over 30 years, with ADAS and his own business, LRM Horticultural Services Ltd. Lyndon has run the Centre since it started in 2006.