Contents tagged with Potato

3 December 2021

Research report (2008) describing the development of diagnostics to improve skin spot risk assessment

24 October 2019

Tubers, stolons and occasionally leaf stalks affected, but not roots. Tubers may bear cauliflower-like tumours at the eyes or whole tuber may become shapeless warted mass.

24 October 2019

Violet Root Rot (Helicobasidium purpureum) is a disease of some vegetable crops including potatoes.

24 October 2019

TNV is a rare tuber blemish disease with no haulm symptoms. The disease is also known as ‘ABC’ disease named after three symptom categories first described in the Netherlands.

24 October 2019

PMTV is one of two viruses causing spraing in potato. Infections are commonly associated with tuber internal blemishing (see also TRV). This is a significant cause of rejections of both ware and processing crops. Symptoms do not increase during storage.

24 October 2019

Pink rot (Phytophthora erythroseptica) can be devastating especially in hot dry years however wet soil is required for infection.

29 November 2021

Infographic from 2007 providing 12 steps that help to achieve an energy efficient store

7 November 2018

Best Practice Guidelines For The Use Of CIPC Sprout Suppressant, Chlorpropham (CIPC) is the main sprout suppressant used on around half of the stored crop of 3-3.5 million tonnes of potatoes in Great Britain. This document belongs to the Potato Industry CIPC Stewardship Group and is hosted here by AHDB Potatoes.

7 November 2018

This document belongs to the Potato Industry CIPC Stewardship Group and is hosted here by AHDB Potatoes.

7 November 2018

Dry rot is the most important fungal rot of potatoes in Great Britain. The disease affects around 1% of tubers annually. However, its true impact on the industry is often underestimated because the disease enables Erwinia species to colonise and develop into soft rots.

29 September 2021

This definitive guide to arable weeds in the UK contains full colour photographs for identification plus information on life cycles, location, biology and management
