Contents tagged with parsnips

10 May 2021

Find out about the life cycle of the carrot fly and the damage this pest insect can cause.

21 May 2021

Find out about the three types of aphid to look out for in carrot crops: willow-carrot aphid, parsnip aphid and peach-potato aphid.

6 April 2022

Carrot cavity spot: the effects of non-carrot crops on levels of relevant Pythium spp in the soil

25 May 2022

The AHDB Horticulture Crop Walkers’ Guide for UK carrots and parsnips has been designed specifically as an aid to crop monitoring, both in the field and in store. It illustrates and describes the important pests, diseases, nutritional and physiological disorders which may be encountered during the crop production process. 

8 June 2021

Learn which pest insects affect carrots and Apiaceous crops and find out how to manage them.
