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Contents tagged with nutrition
14 July 2021
In the fourth webinar of our herbal leys series, the panel will share practical farming experience of managing herbal leys, via short presentations and a Q&A session.
14 May 2021
Use of fungicides and nutrition on crops showed a reduction in pumpkin losses at both sites in our trial.
AHDB Beef & Lamb were joined by Rick Funston, Professor of Animal Science at the University of Nebraska , for a webinar to discuss heifer development.
11 February 2021
Find out what changed in the 2020 edition of RB209
12 April 2024
Publications and research reports on potato production, crop protection and potato agronomy
6 October 2020
A webinar looking at the role of copper in the nutrition of dairy heifers.
25 November 2021
This factsheet provides background information about the various types of chemical analyses available, guidance on how water, substrate and leaf tissue samples should be collected and managed to ensure accuracy of the results obtained, and offers assistance with the interpretation of the laboratory analysis results generated for each of the sample types.
9 December 2021
These translated practical guides from PCS, Belgium cover a wide range of topics including integrated plant management, lighting crops, cost price calculation and profitability, fertiliser use in ornamental crops etc.
22 July 2020
Join AHDB Beef & Lamb and Marc Jones, Agricultural consultant, for a webinar on outwintering options for sheep.
9 February 2023
A summary of the principles of strawberry nutrition with procedures growers can follow to get high yields and high quality fruit.