Contents tagged with aphid

8 September 2022

Chemical control options for aphids in strawberry

16 June 2021

Familiarise yourself with the different aphid species and the damage symptoms they cause to strawberries.

16 June 2021

Find out about the biology and life cycle of different types of aphids on strawberry.

21 May 2021

Find out about the three types of aphid to look out for in carrot crops: willow-carrot aphid, parsnip aphid and peach-potato aphid.

20 July 2021

Find out how to recognise and detect aphid attacks at an early stage and decide whether action is needed.

11 May 2021

This section is about the activity of fly pests, beetles, caterpillars, aphids and cabbage whitefly in brassicas. Read information on different approaches to managing these pest insects.

22 April 2022

Outdoor salads - lettuce and celery crop walkers' guide is aimed at assisting growers, agronomists and their staff in the vital task of monitoring crops. It is designed for use in the field to help with accurate identification of pests, diseases, nutrient deficiencies and disorders within a crop.

25 May 2022

The AHDB Horticulture Crop Walkers’ Guide for Bush Fruit has been designed specifically as an aid to crop monitoring. It illustrates and describes the important pests, diseases, nutritional and physiological disorders which may be encountered during the crop production process. 
