Contents tagged with Propagation

28 October 2021

Symptoms of the key foliar and corm diseases of cyclamen, and gain an appreciation of pathogen biology.

27 October 2021

Symptoms of the key foliar and corm diseases of cyclamen, and gain an appreciation of pathogen biology.

27 October 2021

Symptoms of the key foliar and corm diseases of cyclamen, and gain an appreciation of pathogen biology.

27 October 2021

Symptoms of the key foliar and corm diseases of cyclamen, and gain an appreciation of pathogen biology.

10 August 2022

Guidance for effective control of a range of diseases in the production of cyclamen.

13 December 2021

These annual reports cover a range of small scale trials undertaken in the Schleswig-Holstein region of Germany by the Trial Advisory Council (VuB) based in Ellerhoop on a range of field- and container-grown hardy nursery stock crops.

9 June 2022

This guide covers all aspects of propagation management for hardy nursery stock including a number of case studies.
